The Miracles of the Namiya General Store – A Review by Cheezo
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store – A Review by Cheezo

The Miracles of the Namiya General Store – A Review by Cheezo

The Miracles of the Namiya General Store – A Review by Cheezo

We live as individuals, we die as individuals. In the journey called life, we come across numerous individuals that we consider close or maybe it’s all in our minds. 

Have we ever lived as individuals?? 

Eventually, everything connects.  In this worldly life, we seek togetherness, but are we ever alone?  Sometimes, our heart craves for something beyond. Our problems become our goal, and faults turn into scars. Our future becomes our past. Our souls become exhausted from things that we overlook, and we are the most sparkling stars in the dark clouds. We dream of a fallen angel who will heal our scars and make our goal vanish.

The Miracles of the Namiya General Store book presents a magical fantasy connecting the past and the future. The book takes us on a journey of the past, reflecting on the future. Yuji Namiya, the owner of the store, gives solutions through letters to the people. Many lives get connected through letters. But things become more magical in their own way. Among all the ordinaries, the book depicts an extraordinary connection between the three dimensions.  

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