A Glimpse into a Book I Love: You’ve Reached Sam
A Glimpse into a Book I Love: You’ve Reached Sam

A Glimpse into a Book I Love: You’ve Reached Sam

A Glimpse into a Book I Love: You’ve Reached Sam

Sometimes in life, we meet a lot of people, we make memories together, we share dreams, and we share hope. The hope that wakes us from sleep every day. But the universe rules its own way, we floats into the ocean of hope together but the universe plans to drown us into a ocean of loneliness. When we lose someone, we daydream that maybe it’s all a dream. We probably hallucinate that we are still talking to them, listening to them, obeying them, love them. Sometimes, this helps us to create our happiness, or sometimes, it shatters us in the most beautiful way.

You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao depicts a thread between reality and fantasy. When everything gets destroyed by the universe, Julie still hangs up with a string of threads. A thread of hope, attachment, and togetherness. She thinks about the dream of being with Sam. Even if it is just a fantasy, she still wants to tighten up the thread, but in the end, life flows its own way, and all falls where it should be.

“So…until then, I can still call you?”

“Of course. Whenever you need me.

“And you promise to pick it up?”

“Always “

– Cheezo

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